Ethiopian Food & Coffee

Fresh Food & Coffee, everyday.
For individual or group dining experience, call to let us know that you are heading our way. We will reserve seats and most of all by the time you get to our restaurant, fresh and hot food awaits you.
Have group meetings (meetup), come enjoy specialty coffee and brew your ideas. We offer free wireless Internt, use us as your beta house.
Click the button below to make a reservation online or call us

Eatopia is a new Restaurant in the Denver metro area. We serve fresh, authentic, and delicious Ethiopian Food & Gourmet Coffee. In its short history, Eatopia has quickly gained acclaim for its fresh and delicious food, not to mention the warm and conspicous hospitality, reflecting the tradiiton of Ethiopia. So much background work went into creating a distinctive Restaurant. We promised not to be yet another restaurant in the corner.
Our Restaurnt name “Eatopia” captures the true essence of Ethiopian Food we prepare everyday. Our tagline “Experience Delicious” is our pledge to you to serve nothing less than fresh, authentic, and delicious food that nourishes the body as well as the soul. Enjoy your visit, and thank you for dining at Eatopia.